The Bear Church is an independent Christian church based in Deptford, south east London.
Our vision is to be a home in the heart of Deptford where people can grow, feel safe, be creative and take responsibility for our local and global community.
Our mission is to love God and love each other, as well as extend our 175-year legacy of church-led community-based mission in Deptford, alleviating poverty, isolation, inequality, hardship, distress, homelessness, and sickness by nurturing, sustaining and growing existing and new community-led projects.
Read more about our history here.
We believe that church is for everyone, where all are invited as equals into relationship with God and each other. Everyone is welcome to worship and serve regardless of their race, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability or socio-economic background. We strive to create a safe and inclusive community where we can explore our spirituality and grow in our faith without fear of discrimination or prejudice.
We acknowledge that historically, the Church, nationally and globally has often been a source of exclusion and harm to marginalised communities, and we are committed to breaking down those barriers and promoting justice, equity, and compassion. We believe that diversity is a strength and that every person is made in the image of God and has inherent worth and dignity.
You will find a community that comes together around shared beliefs and reads the bible together to understand how to live righteously; in right relationship with God and each other. We are a church that doesn’t focus on whether people are in or out, or where the lines are drawn. We are a church that is seeking to listen, learn and grow together - navigating how to be a church that includes everyone is an ongoing process and we are open to feedback and evolving our practices to better serve all who come through our doors.