The Bear is a self-funding community of people so everything we do we have to pay for. If you are part of The Bear then there is an expectation on you to make a regular contribution as part of your worship.
The best way to do this is through a standing order as it helps to plan our income and spending (see the details below). You can also give by text, Just Giving or in cash or cheque during our services on a Sunday. Contact if you want more details.
We publish our budget each year and are open about our pay policy for staff so you will be able to see where your money is going.
While most of the money goes on making The Bear work locally, we give around 10% of all our income to support the work of members of The Bear who are living in different parts of the world.
Some of The Bear’s income also comes through grants from the government and other bodies to support particular projects we carry out in the local community.
If you are a UK tax payer:
The Bear is able to claim back the tax you have paid on your gift. So make sure you let us know and sign a declaration, and we will deal with HMRC.
Please contact to let us know If you set up a standing order online.
Bear Bank details
HSBC - The Bear Church - Sort Code: 40-02-25 - Account Number: 21361317