Week Beginning Sunday 16 February

The Bear Essentials

For the week beginning Sunday 16th February 2025

"And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?'"
Luke 18: 7


Sunday Morning Service - at the Ascension. 11.15am for prayer, 11.45 for tea and coffee, 12pm for worship service. 

Sunday Evening Service - at Evelyn from 6pm. We're currently looking for chefs, choppers, servers and washer-uppers - please consider giving a couple of hours a week/month/year.

Early Morning Prayer - open to all, just switch on and join in Monday to Friday on Zoom from 7-7.30am

Bear Cubs & English Fridays - both are closed this week for the half term.


24 Hours of Prayer: Sign Up for an Hour - We are holding 24 hours of prayer and fasting for Bear House residents and the fit-out of our church space. It will begin at 9pm on Sunday 23rd February, continue through until 9pm on Monday 24th February to end with Gather, an evening of worship and prayer from 7:30–9pm. Sign up to cover an hour of prayer during this time. You can pray at home, pray alone, choose to do it with others, or at The Bear for some of the slots.

Active Bystander Training - we need a minimum of 12 people to run this course and we already have a few people put up their hands. An important tool for stepping in the gap in a crisis or challenging situation, if you are interested in this 3 hour training please get in touch with info@thebear.tv. 

The Bear is going to Greenbelt - the festival runs from the August 21-24th, jammed packed full of music, speakers, workshops, stuff for the family and loads more! Tickets are cheaper the sooner you buy them and you can spread the cost up until July. More info about the festival here: www.greenbelt.org.uk 



'Penny a day' Saving Challenge - a great fundraising suggestion from Michelle to help raise money. If you start from the 1st of January and save an extra penny each day, you'll end the year with £667.95! Still want to join in? Kick start the saving challenge with £11.28 this Sunday and add 48p on Monday. If you've decided to join in, do let us know!

Trolly Coins - Available to buy at Ascension on Sundays. £2 each - all proceeds to the Project

Give Us Your Money - contact emily@thebear.tv if you have spare change/holiday coins to give, or bring to Ascension on Sundays

Sung Worship - download or stream Dave's songs and raise money for the Project: https://linktr.ee/davidwinter



11.15am Prayer at Ascension
11.45am Tea and Coffee
12pm Worship service


7am Early Morning Prayer


7am Early Morning Prayer
1.30pm Women's Bible Study


7am Early Morning Prayer


7am Early Morning Prayer
8pm Small Groups


7am Early Morning Prayer


Restorative Justice after Hate Crime workshops - Protection Approaches and Calm Mediation are running a series of one-off 90 minute workshops where participants can find out about the restorative justice service available to victims of crime in London and to share their views on how the service can best meet the needs of victims of hate crime. The next session is on Tuesday 18th February 2pm-3.30pm and there are two more coming up later this month. You can book for a session here: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/restorative-justice-after-hate-crime-3976753

Golden Glow theatre workshops - a 10-week term of theatre workshops for 7-12 year olds kicks off on Monday 24th of February 4:30-6pm at the Albany in Deptford. For more information and how to book, check out the flyer attached.

Praying in and out - Val Freeman, a professional counselor, writer, musician, and follower of Christ, is leading a retreat this 7th - 9th of March at Penhurst Place, East Sussex. She leads retreats around prayer, mental wellbeing, and creativity. You can book as a residential weekend retreat or on a daytime-only basis. If you'd like to travel with another Bear member, feel free to get in touch with Kori (kori@rocketship.com), who will be attending, is good friends with Val and is very happy to vouch for the quality & depth of her work!  For more info and to book, visit here: https://www.penhurst.org.uk/programme.php?viewretreat=882

INet Curry Plus event - we are invited to the annual iNet Curry Plus evening to hear what Jesus is doing around the world from some of their cross cultural workers.  It's on Thursday 13th March at 7:30 pm at The Well Community Church, Wells Way, London, SE5 7SY. For more info contact admin@inet-trust.org.


The Bear Church Instagram - follow at @thebearchurch 

The Bear WhatsApp Broadcast Group - for weekly updates and more (but not much more), add The Bear Church 07707 524977 to your contacts, then message the number and ask to join the group. 

Safeguarding - the email address for our Designated Safeguarding Lead is safeguarding@thebear.tv

Giving - is part of our worship. Please see the recent email for a financial update. For any money-related questions, contact Tracy at finance@thebear.tv