The Bear Essentials
For the week beginning Sunday 9th February 2025
"Then the Lord said to Moses: 'I will rain down bread from heaven for you.'"
Exodus 16:4
Sunday Morning Service - at the Ascension. 11.15am for prayer, 11.45 for tea and coffee, 12pm for worship service.
Newcomers Lunch - If you are new to the Bear, you are heartily invited to a lunch at Tracy and Iain's in Forest Hill straight after the morning service. Email if you're planning to come.
Sunday Evening Service - at Evelyn from 6pm. We're currently looking for chefs, choppers, servers and washer-uppers - please consider giving a couple of hours a week/month/year.
Early Morning Prayer - open to all, just switch on and join in Monday to Friday on Zoom from 7-7.30am
New Cross and Deptford Free Film Festival - The Bear will be screening ‘Paddington 3’ on Sunday 27th of April followed by ‘Women Talking’ on Monday 28th of April. If you would like to get involved with this wonderful community event, please contact for details. The next Festival meeting in this Monday at 7pm in Deptford Lounge if you want to meet the team and find out how it all works.
Chine's book launch - 'Unmaking Mary' will be launching at St Paul's Cathedral 6:30pm this Tuesday the 11th of February 2025. You can find out more and book tickets here:
24 Hours of Prayer: Sign Up for an Hour - We are holding 24 hours of prayer for Bear House residents and the fit-out of our church space. It will begin at 9pm on Sunday 23rd February, continue through until 9pm on Monday 24th February and end with Gather, an evening of worship and prayer from 7:30–9pm. Sign up to cover an hour of prayer during this time. You can pray at home, pray alone, choose to do it with others, or at The Bear for some of the slots.
Active Bystander Training - we need a minimum of 12 people to run this course and we already have a few people put up their hands. An important tool for stepping in the gap in a crisis or challenging situation, if you are interested in this 3 hour training please get in touch with
The Bear are going to Greenbelt - the festival runs from the August 21-24th, jammed packed full of music, speakers, workshops, stuff for the family and loads more! Tickets are cheaper the sooner you buy them and you can spread the cost up until July. More info about the festival here:
'Penny a day' Saving Challenge - a great saving suggestion from Michelle to help raise money. If you start from the 1st of January and save an extra penny each day, you'll end the year with £667.95! It's not too late to start, by this Sunday you can kick start the saving challenge with £8.20 adding 41p on Monday and 1p more each day from then. If you've decided to join in, do let us know!
Trolly Coins - Available to buy at Ascension on Sundays. £2 each - all proceeds to the Project
Give Us Your Money - contact if you have spare change/holiday coins to give, or bring to Ascension on Sundays
Sung Worship - download or stream Dave's songs and raise money for the Project:
11.15am Prayer at Ascension
11.45am Tea and Coffee
12pm Worship service
Newcomer's Lunch!
4pm Food preparation at Evelyn
6pm Evening meal
7pm Evening service
7am Early Morning Prayer
9.30am Bear Cubs
7am Early Morning Prayer
1.30pm Women's Bible Study
7am Early Morning Prayer
7am Early Morning Prayer
1pm Bear Cubs
8pm Small Groups
7am Early Morning Prayer
9.30am Bear Cubs
1.30pm English Fridays
So long, farewell - we are sad to say goodbye to Layton Thompson after nearly thirty years as part of The Bear Church family. He has been a friend to many, a help and a blessing to all. We will miss him. As a church, we will pray for the future to be bright and the new adventure to fit you perfectly, Layton.
INet Curry Plus event - we are invited to the annual iNet Curry Plus evening to hear what Jesus is doing around the world from some of their cross cultural workers. It's on Thursday 13th March at 7:30 pm at The Well Community Church, Wells Way, London, SE5 7SY.
The Bear Church Instagram - follow at @thebearchurch
The Bear WhatsApp Broadcast Group - for weekly updates and more (but not much more), add The Bear Church 07707 524977 to your contacts, then message the number and ask to join the group.
Safeguarding - the email address for our Designated Safeguarding Lead is
Giving - is part of our worship. Please see the recent email for a financial update. For any money-related questions, contact Tracy at